I focus on clarifying the career wishes and increasing personal effectiveness. The sessions are focused on raising awareness about and made to make choices and develop more effective behavior. Questions such as ‘Who am I?, ‘Want do I really want’ And ‘How can I identify areas where my talents and ambitions are?’ are asked. I’ll help you finding the answers to these questions. I bring structure to your wishes, hopes and ambitions and create clarity and direction. Together we will look at your abilities and learning objectives. You will learn to identify it and explore what can be done differently: how, when and with whom?
The career coaching can be about:
⋅ Understand yourself, your talents and what you want
⋅ Focus application and take action
⋅ Decrease troubled feelings: this is it?
⋅ The ability to make informed (career) choices
Most treatments consist of five to ten sessions. For more information and advice you can contact me via the contact form or call me at 06 15 35 55 70.